This morning's hike was a quick 6.1 km jaunt in the hills of Northumberland. Tiny hills this time and not too many of them.
Because I was leading, I TOTALLY FOGOT to take pictures until half way round. The cool reflection in this patch of ice clued me into the fact that I was carrying a camera.
Here we are on Fisher Road. For 1°C, it was still quite brisk outside this morning.

More hikers are choosing to wear safety vests lately.

Safety vests and bright jackets, a hike leader's dream come true.

By the time we neared the cars huge flakes were beginning to fall.

A little snowfall didn't stop folks from hanging around and continuing their conversations.
Intrepid hikers. All of them.

A little Taylor Swift to end with:
“To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear.
It's not being completely unafraid.
To me, Fearless is having fears.
Fearless is having doubts.
Lots of them.
To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.”