Celebration #1 - The bubble soap from three years ago still worked with a little help from Dawn.

Celebration #2 - First Blueberry! An early variety was starting to ripen and we got to eat 8 blueberries! I was hoping these grandkids could experience fresh blueberries.

Celebration #3 - New uses for red currants. Who would have thought?

Celebration #4 - Friends who share their goats.

Celebration #5 - Some places have that magical aura about them that causes one to want to run like the wind.

Celebration #6 - Friends who have the presence of mind to take pictures of your grandkids when you are elsewhere. Thanks, Lesley!

Celebration #7 - "The best part was holding them."

Celebration #8 - Getting to test the Dulce de Leche home-made ice cream.

Celebration #9 - Yum! Life is good.

Continuing the friendship between my grandkids and my friends. One of these friends was slightly older than Ewen when we first met. How lovely.
“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend”
Albert Camus