The weather this week feels springlike. The forecast for the week is for highs up to 6°C. Yesterday morning, 12 hikers met where Leach Road meets County Rd. 29 and headed north.

This route contains maintained and unmaintained roads. It also had some decent hills. We needed to watch where we were placing our feet at times. That's ice in the vehicle tracks.

Poems have been written about this tree.

Glimpses of sunshine started to appear as we headed south on Montgomery Road.

Three hikers parted ways with us for the short option of this hike (6Km) and the rest of us headed down Jewell Road where springtime was happening in the farmyard. There was the odd lamb to be seen....

... and we watched the farmer let his cattle into another field. They seem happy to be going there. We didn't wait long enough to see if the goats went too.
Today's sponsor: the smell of cow manure. 😉

While we were stopping to watch the goings on in the farmyard...

... the residents there were looking back at us. "Hmmmm..... cold, snowy pasture or warm, sheltered doorway? I think I'll stay here."

Throughout our 11 km trip, we crossed paths with a group of Roseneath folks who were setting up a snowmobile route that avoided going on farmers' fields. Thank you.

We ate our lunches at this quiet part of Jewell Road. Conveniently, there was a nice long log there for all of us to sit on. You will need to picture that image in your head. I was too busy catching up with a new hiker/old friend to take pictures. 🥴
Heading out, we spotted the snowmobile route planners again. There they are ahead of us. When we got to them, we were pleasantly surprised. They were having a tailgate lunch! What fun!

The last leg of the hike had us going north on McDonald Road where the sunshine was more than a glimpse and skies were blue.

This hike will be an even pleasanter memory next week when winter returns.
I think we caught a glimpse of Anne Frank's words yesterday morning:
“I've found that there is always some beauty left --
in nature,
in yourself;
these can all help you.”