It's been far too long. Yesterday, we finally were able to visit our Adventure Buddies in their new condo home in downtown Guelph. And, in true adventure fashion, they took us on a walking tour of one of the neighbourhoods near their home. The Ward. It was like walking through a movie set. Or maybe, a future movie set. It seemed undiscovered to me.
Because it was friggin' cold and because I thought I forgot my camera at home (later found it in my suitcase), there are only a few cell phone pictures of our adventure.
I love this area already.
Two Rivers Neighbourhood Group's stated mission and vision are:
Mission: "Building an engaged sustainable community that celebrates the creativity, diversity and passion of our neighbourhood."
Vision: "To be a thriving, resilient community that supports and creates opportunities for wellness and connection"
It would be lovely to see this community garden in the summer.

If you pay attention in this area you can find poems......
In the near future, we will grow food vertically
The Condo bubble in Toronto must first explode
Suds, sofas, coffeemakers and dreams will be mopped up
Glass towers higher than First Canadian Place
Will be filled up with light, whole wheat and arugula.
There will be machinations of course, like where to put
the cows. The bankers will enjoy their occupations
And I will still want strangers to read these poems.

.... and former butcher shops.

Near the end of our chilly ramble we walked over a replica covered bridge, put together with wooden pegs. I felt like I was walking on history.

We will need to find a way to come back.