Lang Pioneer Village does Applefest well. It's been years since we've attended and Wow!
It's wonderful.
Very near the entrance Moore Orchards from Grafton had a booth filled with apples and apple cider and these pies. The label says, "Made by the Sweetest Group of Volunteers". I can't wait to try it. Yes, I walked one back to the car.

There was a festive atmosphere throughout the village. And, crowds of young families were having the times of their lives.

Throughout the village, artisans and musicians showed their wares and sang their songs. Aren't these the cutest little ornaments?

The gentleman who made these brooms travelled from Pennsylvania to be at Lang today. And his elderly dad came from New York City to accompany him.

There was chair caning.....

.... and rope making too.

Any guesses as to what this young person was delivering to the cheese factory?

Mmmmm..... Yum! Apple fritters! We carried them over to one of the convenient benches nearby and slowly munched on them. At least three groups of people stopped and asked what we were eating. All 3 went over to the cheese house and stood in line. No fast food today. There was apple crisp, apple cider, popcorn, chili con carne, and bread to be had. Well worth the wait.

The line of people waiting for the horse drawn wagon rides was long most of the day. Those horses went round and round the village while....

....fiddlers fiddled and....

.... hookers hooked.

Just in case you missed this on the above photo..... an apple-themed rug. Beautiful!!!

And round and round.

I often wonder how the volunteer jobs are distributed. Do they draw straws? It would be easy in this area.

I think this man drew the short one.

We were wondering if any friends would be at Applefest. Yay! A whole family of friends.

I love how this lady's hair and clothes seem to match the natural dyes that she used for her wool.

This woman learned crocheting and knitting from her mother. She didn't learn tatting though and thinks she might go online and buy a tatting shuttle and teach herself. Lifelong learning.

And round and round.

Music was heard throughout the village.
I think this guy drew the long straw.

Lucky us! We arrived at the last cottage just when little samples of Port Hope cake with a dollop of applesauce were being served. I took a recipe home. Some winter night we will want to have a tasty memory of this excellent day.

But for now, it was time to go home.
