This is not yesterday's sky. Along with the blue skies, our morning walk was accompanied with a -5°C temperature and a windchill of who knows what? It was very cold.
This is the 21st Canadian Infantry Battalion memorial in City Park.

We wandered through the Queen's University campus. Not only are the university halls stately, homes surrounding them are timeless. This one looks like a good place to host a murder mystery.

Or maybe this one?

It was so cold that even the vines on this building were trying to get inside.

After an hour of braving the wind, we rested up for our afternoon's adventure.
March of the Museums is happening all week in Kingston. We enjoyed free admission to the Military Communications & Electronics Museum which is just east of Canadian Forces Base Kingston. Ewen is a walking encyclopedia of WW2 trivia. We knew that he would enjoy a visit there. But would Charlotte?
It looks like Charlotte is resonating with communication modes of times past: the Underwood typewriter. So far, so good.

Ted brought Lindsey up to date with his latest stories.

And, Ewen got to impress Grandpa with his military knowledge.

Lucky us! This staff member took a liking to Ewen and gave us a personal tour of all of the military operations Canada has been involved in since the Cold War.

I love it when they save the best till last. Good memories to part with.
What fun is this? SnapCircuits! There were baskets and baskets of components and great manuals showing how to make various circuits. Charlotte is working on one which, if she's done everything right, will light up a lightbulb.

Yes! I can see the wheels turning in her brain.

Sometimes you need to put your whole being into whatever you are doing.

Ewen was working on a circuit that would eventually spin that red wheel.

A spinning wheel can get old quickly. Hmmm.... I wonder what would happen if I blow on it from below?

And, it didn't hit Mom.
One thing I love about this event is that we got to see what interests the grandkids. It looks like they could get a lot of fun and learning out of one of these kits.
Charlotte's final circuit resulted in its playing "Happy Birthday". How timely. Her birthday is next month. I think we've found her birthday gift.

I think she liked it!
Maybe one day this quote will make her smile:
“Protons give an atom its identity,
electrons its personality.”
Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything