Even nature can play April Fool's jokes if you are gullible enough to fall for them. Doesn't it look like there is a family skating on the ice below? The little guy on the right looks like he is holding his hockey stick up. Right next to flowing water. Something doesn't make sense. If you zoom in, those are stumps!
Ted was feeling energetic today so a backroads drive through Northumberland was in order.

The sunshine cast some cool shadows in the forests.

And, blue skies produced dark streams.

The further east we went, the less snow there was.

Belted Kingfishers were back.

Near Campbellford, we came across a conservation area which had just come up on our radar thanks to Watershed Magazine. I don't know how we missed this one: The Nature Conservancy's Mary West Property. I am so thankful for the Mary Wests of this world who are taking the long view and donating land to be enjoyed by generations to come.
Walking down the rows of pine felt like walking on a pillow.

Just a few rows in from the edge of the plantation, there was still a lot of snow.

I find it so interesting how random pine needles will fall, spreading themselves out evenly on the ground.
We weren't able to go very far because it was too wet. We will be back.

On to our destination: Dahlia Mae Flower Farm. If you can't find spring on April first, you may just need to buy it.

Living art wrapped in brown paper.

Meandering homeward, we checked out Ted's wood duck boxes at the Lone Pine Marsh/Braham tract near Dundonald.
Nicely camouflaged. Never did find the other two.

There was still ice on the ponds in the marsh.

I am glad that Ted bought me some spring. It's time for spring.

“I heard what you said.
I’m not the silly romantic you think.
I don’t want the heavens or the shooting stars.
I don’t want gemstones or gold.
I have those things already.
I want…a steady hand.
A kind soul.
I want to fall asleep, and wake, knowing my heart is safe.
I want to love,
and be loved.”
Shana Abe