Last week was the peak of our first planting of salad greens. While we were away camping our gardening buddy picked 29 bags of greens. We knew that those plants were nearing the end of their giving season. They'd been producing since May 10. This morning, I was wondering if there would be any greens at all? Lucky us! The next planting is coming on stream. These won't have as good a run as the first planting, I'm sure. Heat and salad greens aren't a good mix.
But, other parts of the garden were coming on stream. Raspberries. A wild raspberry plant has made its home in our roadside pollinator garden. A few people will get a tasty surprise at FareShare this morning.

Some of the fancy lettuces are still vigorously producing leaves. The basin on the right is still from those May 10 plantings.

The gardens cooperated and gave us some Canada Day colours.

We had to use all of our tables to sort the 12 arrangements. The stiff Hosta leaves act as good supports for the floppy hydrangeas.

Heavier vegetables are starting to mature. The Bull's Blood beets that I planted in February and transplanted into the garden are now a good size. I never knew you could transplant beets. I should write a poem praising this variety: Ode to Bull's Blood Beets. It would tell about how fast they grow, how tasty their leaves are, how pretty they look, and....... how wonderful they are in this Balsamic-Glazed Roasted Beet recipe.

Yellow flowers are starting to come on stream. Next week's bouquets will probably have a yellow theme.

I'm thankful for my gardening buddy. Without her, I think I'd need to wake up at 5:30 to pick everything. And, she doesn't just come for the fun, she helps clean up!

This post is brought to you by the colours red and white.
“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second.
When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour.
That's relativity.”
Albert Einstein