Sunday's hike will be one where hikers can choose to hike either 6 or 11 km. We'll all start together where Leach Road meets County Road 29.
Today, two hiking buddies joined me in a pre-hike of the 6 km section. I got lazy and didn't pre-hike the whole route.
The weather was overcast this morning. Even red brick farmhouses looked a little dull.

One thing we learned about these folks is that they are no lyers.
Good to know.

This hike is labeled MODERATE and MODERATE Plus. If you don't like hiking over hills, this might not be the hike for you.

Two of us brought icers. One of us wore them.

The first route of the loop follows Leach Road to George Road, through an unmaintained portion and then south on Montgomery Road and back on #29 to the cars.

You could tell that yesterday's sunshine had its affect on fallen oak leaves. They were settling nicely into the snow.

I was desperate for colour. An acorn in red & green mittens will do.

It's interesting what you come across if you just get outside and look around. Well worn paths in the deep snow....

.... and raccoon tracks in yesterday's slush, now frozen.

Some parts of George Road were better travelled in single file.

As was much of Montgomery Road.

But, that didn't stop us from admiring the views when they presented themselves.

Combines make interesting patterns when leaving the field.

We witnessed some lonely trees....

... and some not so lonely. I think you are right, Susan - cedar waxwings.

It's winter and winter is bleak.

But, sometimes a pop of colour livens up the scene.

And, sometimes your hiking buddy points out laundry on a line.
Today's sponsor? The smell of fresh laundry on a January day. Mmmmm....

The hills were trending in the right direction near the end of the hike. Down.

And, a little stream reminded us that it really isn't that cold outside.

We complete the 6 km portion today. On Sunday, ambitious hikers will be offered to continue around Jewell & MacDonald Roads to complete the 11 km hike.

I recommend wearing icers.
Details: Leaving 9:30 am from the 45/401 commuter parking lot (carpooling). OR 9:50 am from the trailhead on Leach Rd near Hwy 29. W3W address: incite.begging.routine
Bring a lunch and drink. Contact Hilda at 905-372-2395 or