Stackpole is a National Trust property around 15 minutes west of where we are staying. We arrived early and started out on the trail to see what we could see. We decided that this day would be one where we follow our noses; few plans.

Wildflowers are in abundance and stay pretty close to the ground here.

It's the May Bank Holiday weekend and there were lots of young families out and about.

Do you see that ridge of hard rock?

Today was our first day with sun. It looks like gorse likes sun. It's the prettiest it's been all week.

I believe this wall was built by former owners to be able to access the beach easier.

Yim and Cynthia explored the higher elevations first and then took the hundreds of steps down to the beach.

We chose to stay up top and get up close and personal with some wildflowers.

We would rather stay up top than have to walk back up from the beach.

The beach was very quiet with only a few families enjoying themselves.

I love the red accents on these daisy-like flowers.

While I photographed flowers, Lindsey enjoyed the view.

After half an hour of quiet contemplation, I noticed our adventure buddies practising how to make shadows below me on the beach.

By the time they made it back up the stairs, a rest was in order.

Looking away from the water, it was so cool to see what Lindsey says are fake cows. They never seem to move.

We found another trail that took us to.....

.... the five bridges. And, by the way, today's sponsor? The smell of garlic. The air along this path was rich with the smell from those white garlic flowers.

Great spot for a rest.

A short distance from our parking lot in Stackpole was the Stackpole Walled Garden. They have a lovely café and three of us had the Ploughman's lunch and I had carrot soup with some of the nicest grainy bread I've ever eaten.

After lunch, Cynthia had the urge for a drive up to St Davids. It didn't take us long to turn a corner and have all of our jaws drop after we left the parking lot. The St. Davids cathedral sprawled in front of us in all its grandeur.

Right away, something attracted our attention: these beehives. I am hoping my beekeeping friends will tell us how they get the honey out.

Inside the cathedral there was an understated elegance with a lot of wood used.

Someone wanted to know where the music was coming from and if the service was in English or Welsh. Later on, we saw that a wedding was taking place there.

Even the ceilings were informative.

So, there's the cathedral and then there's this cool stream flowing next to it and ...

.... next to that is the ruins of the bishop's palace. It was built around 1328. Isn't that window cool?

Here's a better picture.

The town itself has some nice stone houses. I am glad we followed our noses there.

Almost back home, we stopped the car & took this picture for Ted.

It's our last day in Wales. Tomorrow, it will be time to go to Bath.