June is my favourite month. I love all of the greens. I love June flowers and the feel of June days.
This morning's mist made it all the more beautiful.
It has been so humid that yesterday evening's hand-watering is still in evidence in the vegetable garden. The mesclun mix to the right was trans-planted last Tuesday from the garden. The mesclun mix to the left was transplanted 7 days before that. It has been mind-blowing to me how well those plants have transplanted. The root balls are immense.

This is where they came from. We've just kept thinning them out.

And, this is the really experimental side. Just trying out various vegetables to see how they do.

Marshall (the best kind of cat) was staring in amazement at how this Canada Anemone fared after being transplanted yesterday. I agree. I expected them to be flopped out on the ground.

Lilies in the woods are a little later than lilies in the open.

Blueberries are looking really good.

Some more mesclun mix was seeded two weeks ago and transplanted to fill in the gaps a few days ago. I am surprised that they all took. They were pretty small.

It was like we were in our own little misty world this morning.

Raspberries all seem to have pollinated too.

There's the northern boundary of our misty world.

We are trying a new spot for our tomatoes. A couple of years ago a cherry tomato plant did well here. With the intention of tricking the verticillium wilt virus that is in the ground in the garden, we are hoping they may not be as affected in this spot. We'll see how it goes. 🥴

And in the white garden, another cat was keeping watch over yet another Canada Anemone. Good to see that the cats are doing their jobs.

Geraniums love to collect drops of moisture. Probably a cheap hobby.

Finally the dark purple Siberian Irises have started to bloom. They are a bit more delicate than the lavender coloured ones. We almost lost them one cold winter a few years ago. They have been struggling to come back ever since.

These lilies are a few days ahead of the ones in the woods.

No struggling here.

I love that June is a month of surprises. Who made it through the winter? Who is struggling? Who likes their new spot? Who doesn't?
Not the greatest image below, but still surprising: we will be having kiwis!
I hope.
If these buds turn into flowers and are pollinated.

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth
find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature
-- the assurance that dawn comes after night,
and spring after winter.”
Rachel Carson,Silent Spring