I've been following the UK poet, Becky Hemsley Let's allow her to influence us as we walk around the gardens looking for raindrops.
A reminder that your worth is not numerical.
It is not determined by numbers on a scale
or scores on a test.
It is not rooted in how many followers you have
or how much you earn.
Never forget that you count
in so many ways
that can't be counted.

With all of this rain, our "river" is full.
People will put you down if they are not strong enough to lift you up.
Just remember that
and keep rising.

I love this blue.
What if we are not stuck in the tunnel,
chasing the light at the end of it.
What if we've been the light all along?

Bloodroots aren't fond of opening up in the rain.
When someone feels broken,
shower them with solidarity.
Wash gentle words over them and watch those words nestle into their wounds.
Then pour kindness over the cracks and watch the seeds of something grow.
Something good.
Something great.
Something that feels a lot like love.

Kitty is pretty happy today.
Never underestimate the importance of being yourself.

This little primula's friends were driven over by various delivery trucks and other drivers who find our driveway too narrow. I am so glad this one survived!
Look at you just going about your everyday life.
Not even knowing how many people you are inspiring.

Bride & Groom is what my mother-in-law called these Pulmonaria.
The flowers do not run from the rain
for they know how much it helps them grow.
Perhaps we should be more like the flowers.

I spotted this little gem under the plum bushes. I had to crawl on my knees to get close enough to get a good shot of it. Wasn't it worth it? I didn't notice the huge water droplet until I viewed my pictures.
First we live inside the story.
Then the story lives inside us.

Some of the earlier grape hyacinths have started to open up. Today, I received a hand-written letter from a dear friend. My heart is full.
Don’t wait til I’m gone
And then stand up to speak
About all the things
That you loved about me
Don’t sing all my praises
Through all of your tears
When I am no longer
Beside you to hear
Don’t leave all that love
Like a secret unsaid
But tell me tomorrow
Or right now instead
And I’ll tell you too
Of the things I admire
About who you are
And how much you inspire
I’ll speak from my heart
Whilst you’re still here to know
“You are” not “you were”
Or “it used to be so”
I’ll speak of your light
Whilst you’ll still hear the words
And not leave that love
In the darkness, unheard
So tell me tomorrow
Or right now - don’t wait
Because we don’t know
When it might be too late
Because we don’t know
When our time might be up
And we need to hear - while we are here
That we’re loved

Be still, my heart.
It's so easy to throw things at others
without realizing how much they are already trying to hold
And the one thing we throw might be the final straw-
the one thing that brings everything else to the ground.
It is easy to be kind too.
And it is important.
Because we don't know what people carry.
We just don't know.

Some loads are beautiful.
A reminder
that you are the person that some one would run to
in a room full of people.

A glimpse of what is to come. The bleeding hearts are starting to look like themselves.
We watched her walk off into the woods and they said,
"But, won't she end up lost?"
And, I smiled because I knew those woods well.
"No", I said.
"Perhaps she'll end up found."
