This morning, there were two surprises from the gardens.
#1 - There still were 14 lbs. of vegetables and flowers for Fare Share. The greenhouse has been allowing spinach, salad greens and believe it or not, hot peppers to grow. We add a bit of heat in the night time so it never freezes there.

A heavy frost created its magic on certain plants.

Even though the kale had a serious frost, that is a good thing. Kale loves frost and gets more tender with each frost event. Because it was so cold out, I quickly cut a two basins of kale and brought them inside next to the fireplace to warm up. Then it was easier to bag.

The greenhouse still had some snapdragons which have been blooming all summer. The posies are very tiny, but I think 6 people will feel loved when they go home with them. Tokens of love don't need to be huge.

Gift #2? Jewels in the grass. I've never witnessed this before. The sun was at the perfect angle to be able to refract into a rainbow of colours. Isn't that cool????? I feel like the queen.

And, to end.... the perfect quote:
“No tears in the writer,
no tears in the reader.
No surprise in the writer,
no surprise in the reader.”
Robert Frost
Get it? Robert Frost.