In the last few days soybean fields have been starting to die down. Last night's 7°C temperature will certainly help too.
Today, we had a destination, a fromagerie in Racine which is a little municipality just west of Sherbrooke.

We noticed that the road we are staying on would take us to Racine. Never a good thing to assume. Not only was a bridge over a key river under construction, we had 2 other detours in the course of our day,

After a lot of fanangling we ended up in Racine. The whole municipality has a population of around 1300 inhabitants. Sometimes good things come in small packages. Not only was Fromagerie Nouvelle France there - and wonderful it was .....

.... with its cheese viewing windows and artistic staircase....

.... there was also this lovely bakery with....

...... sweets that looked like works of art....

.... and a chocolatier ($1/chocolate -yum) ..... plus the coolest butcher shop we've ever been in. Boucherie LaMarche. Some interesting meats made their way home in the cooler.
I love the chicken, pig and cow on the wall.

All around tiny Racine is countryside like this. The town must have developed a reputation and is a destination because all of those businesses seemed to be thriving.

Not only are soybeans starting to colour and die down, so are bushes and trees.

You can see hints of fall in the forests now.
I had to include this Houle manure spreader for Lindsey. Do you know any other 5 year old who had to walk her 4 birthday guests up the 1800' laneway with their noses plugged because her Dad had been spreading liquid manure all day? Somehow she still loves us.

You can't come to this part of the province and not spend time in Magog. Magog has everything from wonderful poutine to... amazing park along a stunning lake ......

.... to thoughtful art installations by local artists. This one is called "Libre" (free) was built by André Desjardins. It is in the middle of a butterfly garden.

The light was perfect today for photos.

Everywhere we went, these thistles were in bloom. I finally had a good chance to photograph them along the waterfront walkway.

And finally, under the category of "what Magog has" is Memphré, a topiary dinosaur.

So, those are features that Magog has.
What they don't have I'll list below:
garbage - I tried, but I could not find one speck of garbage anywhere
homeless people - I asked a local lady. She said they have 1 and "he lives over there in a tent".
I hope you enjoyed this trip as much as we did.