The Weather Network uses descriptors like crippling conditions and damaging winds and weather bomb when writing about this winter storm. We lost power for around 12 hours in the past day, over three or four sessions. A VIA Rail train has been stranded on the tracks near our town after a tree blew down over the track. There have been multiple-car accidents on the 401. We have been safe inside with no pressing need to leave.
Time to paint!
I am very happy with how the latest three mushroom heads have turned out. The Ink Cap mushroom (dark blue/black cap) is receding nicely and giving the picture some depth. The little grey-capped mushroom (don't know its name) was an interesting challenge. If you look closely, it has many different colours. Just for the background layers I used Fuschite Genuine (Daniel Smith), Cobalt Blue, Cerulean Blue, Opera Rose, Quinacridone Gold and Burnt Sienna. There may be some French Ultramarine in there too. (all Winsor & Newton) While these colours were still wet, I sprinkled some table salt, sparingly, over them. Then, I waited and watched the snow whirling outside the window. It's best to be patient when working with salt. Give it uninterrupted time to do its work.

And, then there's the ink cap on the right. It's not finished yet, but you can get an idea of its colour variety when looking at this close-up. I still need to put more layers of colour on that one. And, more spots and speckles.

Often folks have no idea what size my paintings are. Here is this one, sitting on a bench and being examined from a distance. This level of detail is easier the bigger you go.

And, there's that whirling snow.

“Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.”
James Baldwin
Hilda, I deeply appreciate your musings, explanations and photos of the hikes. They remind me bring of the many pleasures and sometimes the unexpected rigours of hiking in Northumberland. Unfortunately my body can no longer move efficiently and I have to hike vicariously. Thank you for the opportunity to do that.
Audrey Herrema