I'd forgotten that salmon would be spawning when I suggested we hike at Sylvan Glen Conservation Area yesterday. There is still a summery look along the banks.

Our adventure buddies had never been to Sylvan Glen and we were anxious to see the newly constructed bridge over the river. Two good reasons to go.
All of the supplies for this bridge were carried by hand from the road, around a ½ km walk.

Those dark grey/black lines in the water are salmon. Hundreds and hundreds of them yesterday.

And, those lines in the water on the far shore are dead salmon. Spawn and die. According to the Port Hope tourism site, between 5,000 and 19,000 swim up the Ganaraska River from Lake Ontario every year.

There was a nice crunch to our walk yesterday. Hey, that could be our sponsor: the sound of footsteps on drying maple leaves.

All of that exercise called for a meal. Our adventure buddies had not been to the Garden Hill Farmers Market, a short drive north of Sylvan Glen. This family and their helpers grow 150 acres of vegetables. If you ask me, they do a really good job. This field of brassicas is next to their store.

Red Brussels Sprouts.
I've never heard of such a thing.

Inside the market, the gourds and squash were putting on a nice display.

If you've never eaten at this market, go! Twice I've had a soup there, yesterday's being a carrot and ginger soup. Twice I wondered just what it was that made their soup taste SO GOOD???
We taste-tested a new-to-us chocolate milk from Enniskillen. Yum!

We'll need to keep this market on our radar for the long winter months ahead.