I think that today might be our final trip to FareShare for the season. On May 8 we brought 5.6 lbs. - rhubarb, sage, thyme and tulips. That seems like a loooonnnnggg time ago. Today, I had to wait until 7 a.m. to even see what I was picking. Thank goodness for lights in the greenhouse. The spinach there got a really heavy cutting. We'll be away next Wednesday and chances are there will be a hard frost between now and the following Wednesday.

I am happy with how our succession plantings of Mesclun Mix panned out. Today we harvested from the 4th and 5th plantings and there were 33 bags of mixed greens. Below is the 5th planting before its haircut.

It was a gift of a morning. 12°C. No cold fingers today. A few flocks of geese were out and about, probably looking for a newly harvested soybean field for breakfast. They never did show themselves above the trees.

Fare Share folks require that all donations be weighed going in. I always write the weight on my hand and record it at home. We didn't quite meet my goal of 2,000 lbs. but, 1,825.6 is not too far off.
We were a bit late this morning because of the darkness. Neighbours were already going through the food rooms and others were waiting in the hall for their turn. Volunteers were very busy helping out. And, what darlings those volunteers are!

The gardens were unusually generous today. Surprises, like a very late daylily and a re-blooming iris got picked. Crabapples added that autumnal look that seems right for the season. When we wheeled the cart loaded with our goods through the halls of FareShare, one neighbour said, "I hope there is a bouquet left for me." Note to self: grow more flowers next year.

And, back at home, our maple seemed to be verifying that the season is over. All of those leaves fell overnight.

I hope our little garden's vegetables made a tiny, healthy difference in our neighbours' days this year. I hope the herbs allowed them to make a special meal that tastes good. I hope that the flowers they received warmed their soul and helped them to greet another day. And, I thank the One who sent the timely rains this year.
We have all been blessed.