Ted was under the weather yesterday after having a stretch of 2 hour-sleep nights. He went to bed at 7 and I went to the pond with my camera.
There seems to be only one frog hanging around, BUT.....

....... tadpoles! I don't think I am exaggerating when I say there could be 100 of them. Some are beginning to grow legs. And, all of them are practicing their air-breathing skills. Good thing to know when you are soon going to be a frog.
Look at that tiny mouth, gulping air! It took me half an hour to catch one out of the water.

As I was wandering around seeing what the gardens were presenting us for today's bouquets, I came across these emerging mushrooms. Note to self: go back this evening. They should be turning a beautiful orangey red as they grow.

Our first yellow flag irises are blooming. Thank you, Linda Hutsell-Manning.

There were still some peonies emerging. It's been a great peony season.

Even the beautiful Coral Sunsets had two blooms to offer.

This morning, we had to haul out the heavy artillery: another table. We needed all of the tables to assemble 16 bunches of flowers.

I love it when wildflowers and cultivated flowers play well together in a bouquet. Horse tail for the filler.

The darker Siberian irises were still lingering around.

We had 16 bags of mixed salad greens to offer this morning, but next week will be the last week for these plants. "Cut and Come Again" has worked well for four weeks. It's a great way to shift the eating season earlier. Others that were planted in early May will be coming on two weeks from now. And, another experiment: I planted more mixed salad greens in the Vegepod this morning. We'll see how this goes.
The heat of summer may have other plans.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs,
but not every man's greed.”
Mahatma Gandhi