We went to heaven today.
It only took an hour to drive there. Heaven is close to home.
This post's sponsor? The sounds of heaven.
In the late spring we first visited Kawartha Family Farm. It was pouring rain and all we could do was say hello to the owners and buy a May Night Meadow Sage. We knew we had to return. Today was the day! I can't think of a better way to celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary.
Kawartha Family Farm is in an area of productive farmland and mature forests, about ½ hour north of Peterborough. It looks like some of the gardens have been there forever, but they've only been gardening on their land for 3 years.

Rarely do flower growers plant only what they love to grow. Maybe this is why it felt like I was in heaven: everything they grow, I like. Aren't those the sweetest hollyhocks you have ever seen?

Many different allium varieties were still in bloom today.

The owner follows one of my favourite gardeners, Piet Oudolf. It looks to me like she's channelled her inner Piet when designing her viewing gardens. What an eye for colour and texture!

We weren't the only ones enjoying the gardens today.

Delphiniums were at their peak .....

.... and what looked to me like a type of double Shasta daisies were found in masses throughout the gardens.

Below is a closeup of the beautiful hollyhock I showed you earlier. If you look closely, you can see yellows and pinks and everything in between.

And, pretty well the same colour combinations on these digitalis.

We were blessed with perfect light today.
I guess that's to be expected in heaven.

I follow what's happening at the world's most famous flower show, Chelsea. This year, the winning show garden featured very muted flowers. A lot like these below.

From muted colours to vibrant in 10 steps along the path.

I can't imagine how this garden could get any more beautiful.

Beauty in every direction.

And, some of that beauty came home with us.
A bit of heaven for Dale Road.

“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like,
but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us,
He will not ask,
'How many good things have you done in your life?'
rather He will ask,
'How much love did you put into what you did?”
Mother Teresa