The gardens are winding down now that it's late September. Daylight is winding down too. 6:30 and still pretty dark. And cold.

Our spinach is really a Swiss chard if you ask me. It's an OSC variety called "Perpetual". And perpetual it is. The seeds we planted in early May are still growing new leaves. Here's how this variety is described: "This heirloom variety belongs to the same family as chard and beets but the stems are thinner and its exceptionally tender leaves are smoother in shape and very similar to true spinach in flavour. As this biennial seldom bolts in its first year, leaves can be harvested all season long.
Harvest outer leaves first by cutting at the base of the stem, then working towards the centre. Harvest regularly for continuous supply of tender new growth."
It's a plant that lives up to its claims. At this time of year, it is coming into its own. Not a lot of pests interested in them. There were 17 bunches today.

The peak of flower season has past. All I could come up with was 6 bunches. But, what they lacked in numbers......

.... they made up in beauty. Wild asters, blue lobelia, sedum, zinnias, dahlias, fragrant hyssop, dill, Verbena Bonariensis, Queen Anne's Lace, Amaranthus, and some mint to finish off.
Our sponsor today? The scent of mint. Mmmmmm..... chocolate mint.

The dark purple beans are loving this time of year. And, we are loving the help we've received throughout the growing season from our gardening buddy.

Some mint made its way into the herb bunches too.

And half of the radish crop was harvested, leaves and all.

The back seat of the truck was full

And, some vegetables got to sit in the tool box on their way to town. Fun!

I didn't know how this gardening experiment would turn out. We've had an exceptional growing season. Our own freezer is almost full - just waiting for red peppers and kale to mature. So, far 582 lbs. of vegetables, herbs and flowers have made their way to the stomachs and hearts of our Fare Share neighbours.
And, back in the kitchen, it looks like our winter will be a tasty one.

Soon these words will be true - for the gardens and for us:
“Begin at the beginning,"
the King said,
very gravely, "
and go on till you come to the end:
then stop.”
Lewis Carroll