The best hike is one with hills at the beginning. I wouldn't have wanted to face this and the next equally high one at the end of 11 km.
Today's hike started just west of the village of Camborne and looped around to the north. Our hike leader has posted a ReLive file of today's hike showing the roads. I'll link it at the end of this post. It is well worth watching.

The benefit of making it up a steep hill is that there is usually a lovely view.

I cannot go by a dry stone wall without taking a picture. Isn't that a work of art? And, can you imagine the amount of physical effort it took to build this wall?

Burnham's tractors, combine and grain buggies were waiting patiently for the snow to melt. There could be 100 acres of corn left to combine. A farmer's work is never done.

I love this scene. The Plainville United church looked timeless this afternoon.

We stopped a few times along the way to rest and chat.

Along the unmaintained part of Donaldson Road there were some nice views of the distant blue hills.

Unmaintained roads are perfect hiking choices. Not much traffic to contend with.

Except for..........
....... see that light peeking over the hill?

Snowmobiles! These folks were thoughtful and waited for us to pass.

You may be wondering what those two signs are in the middle of the soybean field? The snowmobile trail goes through that field. Snowmobile traffic signs.

Winter is not done with us yet.

If you are buying a home in Northumberland, it's wise to visit the county in the winter. You will quickly learn that living on an east-west road is better than on a north-south one. There was still some blowing snow on the north-south hills today.

As I was minding my own business coming up to this property, a hiker quite a bit ahead of me became very animated. He was motioning to me and pointing at this fence made of tree roots. I love it when hikers point out things to put in the blog. Isn't that an interesting fence? Dozens of tree roots. Probably a lot easier to build than a dry stone wall.

It took a while to find a non-windy spot for lunch. Some hikers didn't bother eating, others brought along thermoses of soup and sandwiches and all kinds of tasty treats.

I have a feeling there was something warm in this hiker's thermos. Note: her chair. She seems to be soaking up every bit of warmth from her cup. And, loving it.

It wasn't too long after our lunch break when we saw a welcome line of cars.

We did it! Take that, winter!