Walking in nature is great therapy. Making art is great therapy. Left brain, right brain. So, it would follow that this morning's walk in the gardens and photographing the beauty I saw, was great therapy X2.
I am going to triple my joy by sharing it with you. And, you won't need to wear your coat!
Raspberry leaves can be counted on for a nice frosty display. A little bit of red goes a long way.
Last summer's row of pollinator plants is still in place. It looks like this flower is trying hard to remain young and colourful.
Maple leaves are nestling next to each other, getting settled in for a long winter.
Peony leaves. Still so beautiful. And, do you notice how the frost gets really chunky on them?
Aren't these icy crystals cool? It's like they are stretching to get their own personal moment of glory. And, notice how the little specks of frost are so evenly spaced on the leaves? There is so much order in nature.
You never know what you will see when you step outside. I love the little snowflake-like ice structures on the top of these leaves. Do you see them?
And, again....... a tiny bit of red to warm up the scene.
Even the purple coneflower came to the frost party today.
The scene below felt like a personal gift. Look at those reds!
My heart is full. My heart is full. My heart is full.
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness.
It took me years to understand that this too,
was a gift.”
Mary Oliver