This morning I had a strong urge to clean some windows. Must be spring. I am so glad that I gave in to the urge because no sooner was I finished washing the front window when a flock of about 50 Cedar Waxwings raucously swooped down on the crab apple trees.

In a past year I've seen them stay for an hour or so, filling up on the tiny crab apples. The ones who were full would sit in a neighbouring maple waiting for their buddies to finish. Today, something must have frightened them because they flew away en masse after only a minute or so. Darn. I set up the trip-pod and have been keeping watch for them to come back all afternoon. Just fine because I have a sore back. Good sore back activity.

The only visitor has been this sweetie. I think the mourning doves may be scoping out the cedar hedge for their nest.

In the shop there is still a bird theme going on. Ted couldn't stand to have his leftover pine boards lie around on the shop floor, doing nothing. He drilled a 1 ¼" hole in all of them. That size is recommended for white and red breasted nuthatches, Prothonotary warblers and of all things: flying squirrels!
The blue bird boxes were picked up this morning and these will be following them to a Northumberland Land Trust reserve or maybe to 9 Northumberland Land Trust reserves. Who knows?

“I want to sing like the birds sing,
not worrying about who hears or what they think.”