6 km. of loveliness today as 17 hikers got to know some back lanes and trails of Port Hope a little bit better.
You never know what you will come across in Port Hope. What a prime spot for a tiny home! A bit of a house with a big view.

From tiny homes to penguins with Santa hats.

Our hike started behind the town hall and followed the Waterfront Trail east to Gage's Creek. Below is the A.K. Sculthorpe Woodland Marsh.
We were wondering if we'd see a swan. We were also wondering if they migrate? Well, according to Audubon: Northern Trumpeters move south in late fall as waters begin to freeze.
No swans among the ducks.

It's nice to see natural areas being retained next to Lake Ontario.

There was a stiff breeze coming off the lake this morning. Winter is coming.

And.... there it is! Looks like it's pondering which day to travel south. It's talking to its reflection because all the rest of the swans have left already. Hmmmm.... maybe that should be a clue.

Even factories look nice if they are painted red.

Some of the hikers had winter coats on, some spring ones with many layers underneath. At this time of year, it's hard to know what to wear on a hike. In the depths of the winter it is easier. Then, you wear your warmest boots, coat, hat and gloves. If you have wool clothing to layer underneath, all the better. I found I was taking my hat off and putting it on again throughout the hike.

Stones on the beach were casting tiny black shadows.

And, the humans did their best to cast even bigger shadows. Interesting how the shadows end at the pools of water.

Today marked our final railway crossing. Our safety protocol is changing.

To get to the track, we walked through some high grasses....

.... and there it was - a clear passage.

As we walked through the town, we got to see some of its holiday spirit. Today is the Santa Claus parade.
Might as well practise your waving-to-crowds skill on a passing pack of hikers.

Bits and pieces of Port Hope. It's like this homeowner said, "I'll take one of everything. Oh no! WAIT! Two grinches. I want two grinches."

Thanks to John who led us on a tiny tour of his town.
“Do your little bit of good where you are;
it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
Desmond Tutu