Ball's Mill Conservation Area was calling to me this afternoon. It is only 6 minutes from home by car, so there is no excuse to pop over and see what's happening. As I approached the pond, I hid behind the shrubbery and tried to tip-toe quietly so the geese and ducks wouldn't get scared and leave.
Guess that didn't work.

There were hundreds of Canada Geese and Mallard Ducks in and around the water.

Mating season is in full swing. Someone to the right of this scene was getting a good tongue lashing. "Stay away from my lady!"

Some ladies and gentlemen were pairing up already.

And, then there's that "look at me" guy! "Over here! Look at me!"

A waterside yoga class was in progress.
Left foot.
Left foot!

From the "look at me" guy to the "please don't look at me" lady. Female Mallards are so well camouflaged.

I spent around an hour letting the waterfowl get used to me. My bonus was that the light changed for the better as time went on.

The sun came out and there were even glimpses of blue skies. This post is sponsored by changing weather. Leaving home, it was snowing hard, half way there it was raining and an hour later, the sun was out. Doesn't that keep life interesting?

Note to self: go back again. It's only 6 minutes from home.
“You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.”
Mary Oliver