There's a new view out the window for us this week. We are celebrating our joint 70th birthdays by having a city adventure in Kingston. Ted grew up in Toronto and was very happy to see it in the rear-view mirror after university. Kingston is a different kettle of fish.
Turning 70 has been cause for reflection more than any other 10 year milestone. For the next few days, we will be exploring life in the downtown.

We are staying in a very old house, in the attic. There are two flights of stairs, each with 15 steps to get to our space. If you don't believe me, count them. We did not consider that to be a problem when we booked a couple of months ago. Did not know that in the interim Ted would get pneumonia. I carried the luggage up.

Don't you love those stairs to the loft? Always start with your right foot. Starting with your left would not be wise.

One thing we hoped to do on this mini-vacation was to walk to get our meals. I love the idea of living in a place that is walkable to everything you need.
We brought some food items from home, like Cowboy Cookies, and the unit is well-stocked with necessities like olive oil and good coffee and cream. For supper last night, we only had to walk 6 minutes to pick up a lovely Korean dinner. Thank you dear son-in-law for introducing us to the joys of eating Korean foods.

Black & white seemed like a good choice for this post's images until I came to this one. When we arrived, I was SO excited to see that we would see sunsets from our windows!!! We rarely see sunsets at home. So, there we have it, high above the rooflines. Not a lot of colour, but still a sunset. Who knows what colours we'll see in the coming days?

This morning, there were few people out and about. We hope to be out there soon. We thought we'd take the ferry over to Wolf Island this morning, but just learned that they are doing repairs on the ferry today. Might not be the best day to take a ferry. Walking it will be.

Interesting how sometimes you don't even need facial features to identify a person. That person below, the one the lights are pointing to. He is making himself useful this morning and finding us some hiking trails. This is going to be a lovely adventure. I like it already.

“Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think,
I'm not going to make it,
but you laugh inside —
remembering all the times you've felt that way.”
Charles Bukowski