Somewhere around Ted's birthday last February he took delivery of some logs. He had the urge to process a few years' worth of firewood. This is the same man who often only sleeps 3 hours/night due to Restless Legs Syndrome miseries.
Not everyone gets that kind of urge. Be thankful for that.

After sawing the logs into lengths and carting them to the back of the house with the little trailer you see in the video below, he spent months and months doing this:
Months and months. House sparrows sang to him in the summer as he plodded along. Geese honked at him in the fall.
Somewhere along the way, we developed a routine: he would split and stack wood in two wheelbarrows and I would set the timer on the stove. 20 minutes. When the timer dinged, I'd pull on my workboots and garden gloves and pile the wood from the wheelbarrows onto the woodpiles.
Again and again. And again and again.....
This is a poor image of Ted picking up the LAST chunk! Maybe it's good that it is out of focus. It still captures the effort and determination needed to complete this project.

Lucky it was cedar!

I think he's happy.

Shall we walk around the wood pile and see just how big it is?
Marshall, the best kind of cat, wasn't too impressed. He seemed to like the company when we were out there. He may be lonely now.

And, the squirrels will be downright mad.

And, Ted? Sleeping in his chair.
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson