There is no greater joy for me than visiting a garden with someone who lives and breathes gardening. Happy belated birthday to me.
When we arrived mid-morning at Kawartha Family Farm, their workers were already on the job.

Columbines were in full bloom.

Some alliums were budding.....

.... and lupins were putting on a nice show.

They have quite a few allium varieties at Kawartha Family Farm. I think this one is my favourite. I love its spikiness.

A Jupiter's Beard went home with my gardening buddy. I think those bubbles are a foam excreted by spittlebugs. Oh, the things you see when paying close attention! A drop of spittlebug's spittle.

Poppies were at the stunning stage.
"How big were they", you ask?

This big!!!!

I've been coveting Canada Anemones for decades. I remember seeing them along the roadsides when we visited New Brunswick around 20 years ago. Today, a few came home with me and were planted in 4 different spots, hoping that I'll get it right in at least one of them.

I don't want to have waited THAT long and not have some success!

The owner of Kawartha Family Farm started planting only 3 years ago. You'd never know it by looking at their show gardens.

This year, gravel walkways appeared. And, it seems that alliums have no problem blooming through the gravel.

I love how they unfold.

Ahhh.... my new favourite: geum.

This columbine is called "Black Barlow".

Kawartha Family Farms seems to be in a very productive microclimate. Even the wasteland is brimming with growth. If you've never smelled wallflowers, remember to sniff them next time you see some. They smell like the tastiest honey you can imagine.

We had help carrying our treasures back to the car.

Workers were still working as we ended our visit.

Kawartha Family Farm
"Reap What We Sow"
Don't mind if I do.