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End of September Gardens

Writer's picture: Hilda Van NettenHilda Van Netten

Blue Jays and Chickadees have been feasting on the sunflower and cosmos seeds this week. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get a meal - even if it means hanging upside-down.

The vegetable garden is showing some gaps here and there. I guess I could have planted yet another whack of salad greens, but I am getting tired. It has been an intense season of gardening and camping and illnesses.

The kale is waiting for a frost to make them more tender.

By next week there won't be any more tomatoes.

And, on the subject of red-things-in-the-garden - the nasturtiums are relishing the extra space around them.

Bees have been acting like they have a deadline.

There are hundreds of bees feasting on the late season flowers.

Aren't those wings beautiful?

Today the elderberries were harvested. It's a quiet job - brushing the berries off the stems. A lot of work for two little jars of elderberry syrup. But, oh will those teaspoons of elderberry syrup taste good in January on some yoghurt.

The maples are beginning to show some colour.

And, even though Ted only got 2 hours' sleep last night, he felt compelled to work on his pond project. Between naps.

I love the feeling of the end of September. I can spend hours in the garden without a mosquito or black fly biting me. Our garden work is coming to an end. Soon it will be time for all of us to rest, the trees, the insects and the gardeners. And some of us will celebrate by wearing our finest colours.

“Fall has always been my favourite season.

The time when everything bursts with its last beauty,

as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”

Lauren DeStefano



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