We knew that rain was coming, but we needed to get one more trip to the lake for some fishing and swimming. I had forgotten how much fun can be had with random waves. Where these two spend the summer, there are only tiny Wolf Lake-size waves.

These waves reminded Charlotte of living in Australia. Ocean waves.

I can only wonder how many more years this kind of fun will suffice for these two.

Right about this point in time, tiny raindrops were starting to fall.

Rain schmain. I finally convinced them to leave the beach and Ted took them for a tour of the Cameco rehabilitation site. 'Cause that's what grandpas do.

It's interesting how good things sometimes find you. As we were driving around the Cameco site, we noticed a bunch of cars parked near the piers. Fishermen! Fisherpeople?

Despite being wet and the temperature rapidly dropping and the wind kicking up, this was deemed to be fun.

Charlotte is very good at making friends. Who cares what age you are; Charlotte will get to know you. She found out that this gentleman just caught 4 large Cohoe Salmon in the past hour. She found out they are from Milton and that they eat everything but the bones. She learned that the early salmon are the best tasting ones. And, she was not queasy about seeing the fish gutted.

Stories were exchanged until the rain began to fall.

As we were packing up, we looked across the channel and these guys were just heading out.

I'd given Ewen 5 more casts before we were to head home. After cast #4, he set his rod down and did this. Charlotte saw him and said her own little prayer. She claims her prayer was answered. She'd prayed that Ewen would still have a good time even if he didn't catch a fish.

But, apparently Charlotte did catch one.