Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to making a campfire.

I guess it really doesn't matter how you start it as long as it works. And, if you get really creative you turn cardboard tubes into cigarettes. Nothing like adding a little bling to a campfire.

Ted knows exactly which hotdogs these guys like.

I love the shadows of the chair on Charlotte's arm. Following the contours beautifully.

I had heard that someone is having a growth spurt. We now can exchange shoes. That bowl was half full of mashed potatoes. He ate half of it.

Best corn ever! Thank you Racine farms.

Every time these guys visit, every activity needs to be done at least once. So, catching frogs it was after supper.
Is she going to be successful?

Why yes! It doesn't look traumatized at all.

And, someone is very happy.
Charlotte said the frog was posing like a truck driver on his way his way to Nebraska.

Grandma Heaven has begun.