.... we went for a walk.

We always count ourselves fortunate to see a ship on Lake Ontario. The one on the horizon is probably the Tadoussac on its way from Clarkson to Colborne.

Not only were we fortunate to see a bulk carrier, there were also some interesting ducks near the shore amongst the Mallards. I believe these are Buffleheads.

I love it when people wear red in the winter.

The A.K. Sculthorpe woodland marsh's pond was absolutely perfect for skating today.....

.... thanks to this creative individual. By the time we arrived, he'd blown out a few long pathways on the pond where skaters sped along quickly.

While some skated and played hockey, others like us walked on the snowy shore. Nice to see he got the "red memo".

All good things come to an end, even this walk. Gage's creek wouldn't allow us to cross and Ted was ready to go back anyways.

Even though it was not even 4 p.m., the sky was beginning to look a little pink as we headed back to town.

What a lovely day for a walk!

“What good is the warmth of summer,
without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
John Steinbeck