It was 6°C when we left the house at 9 this morning. I doubt it got much higher than that all day, maybe it even went lower. I even went looking to buy gloves for a while when we were in Witney.
No sooner had we arrived when we came across bread being distributed in the downtown area. A large grocery store donates day old bread to all and sundry. We went home with a loaf of bread and 8 chocolate croissants.

We were in town to walk the Whitney Wool and Blanket trail. That idea sounds wonderful when you are in the comfort of your own home. Today, it was so cold that my camera stayed in my bag for the first half hour. Nothing was interesting enough to make me freeze my fingers off. Until....

Polite Notice. I thought we Canadians were the overly polite ones.
Witney does not win the prize for marketing their wool walk. It was a struggle to find the start of the trail. Don't think we ever did. We even spent a warm half hour in a real estate office getting advice on where to go.
Somewhat on track... this is Newland House. Residential Dementia Respite and Day Care for Older People is what their sign says. It was built in 1830 for a local blanket maker.

We spent a lot of time figuring out where to go. That's a former wool warehouse in the background.

I was glad to feel the warmth of my first really local pub at lunch time.

Some history: Hudson's Bay blankets were first made in Witney. Today, we saw stacks of blankets, reasonably priced and ready to make someone really warm. One will be flying home with Cynthia.

Back in the car, the roads were keeping our driver on her toes. We were headed to Crawley to do the Crawley to Minster Lovett hike.

The hike is a 6 mile circular walk between the towns of Crawley and Minster Lovett. Hmmmmm..... a little muddy.

How often do you go on a hike and stumble across a church and a 600 year old manor house? First time for me.

Minster Lovell Hall. A little draughty right now.

And, when does the site open, you ask?

What a wonderful place to roam around with your 6 year old friends.

This trail had many kissing gates. I've never heard of this term. It lets people through and not livestock.

Yim was the smart one today. She picked up a hiking stick at the beginning of the trail. She also brought gloves from home.

Below is a map of the walk.

Stylish ladies with earrings that matched their surroundings were seen.

We got really good at hugging the edges of the trail in the muddy sections.

The trail circled back to Crowley where some fantastic thatched roofs were seen.

We were glad to be back in the warm car, our boots somewhat cleaned off on the tall grass of the meadow.
To end the day, the King's Men stone circle was checked out. Erected around 2500 B.C. Wow!

It was a long day of chilly walking: Yim: 23,063 steps!!!
No wonder we are all tired.
Tomorrow will be a down day - Sunday Roast Beef dinner. Yum!