My hiking buddy and I arrived at the trailhead near the Knoxville Cemetery shortly after nine this morning. We were hoping to beat the rain storm that was predicted for mid-morning. There's not a lot of colour at 9 a.m. on November 21 before a storm. No blue skies.....

.... the odd brick house in the distance....

..... and if you have good spotting skills, maybe a dead duck. A wood duck. It looked like it had been shot.
I think I'll wear my bright vest on Saturday's hike.

Not much colour here. Just a quirky style.

This hike is classified as EASY PLUS because there are 5 or 6 hills. The good news is that the worst hill is at the beginning of the hike.

Cattle were having breakfast when we walked by.

And, calves were romping in the pasture.

Our sponsor: the sound of corn being harvested. We passed a farmer combining corn and these folks auguring corn from one grain buggy to another.
Colourful equipment - before the storm.

The hills kept coming.....

.... and coming.

You can always count on sumach to brighten up a scene.

And, my hiking buddy's hat & mittens. Good wardrobe choices!
Jan picked up trash along the route.
A full-service pre-hike.

Knoxville Road is unmaintained between the 7th and 6th lines. You might want to bring your hiking poles on Saturday.

And, for our last image from today's pre-hike: very little colour, but a lot of history and a lot of beauty. You don't always need colour to have beauty.

Meet across from the Knoxville Cemetery at 9:20 on Saturday, Nov. 25. Hike starts at 9:30.
See map below
EASY PLUS 5.7 km
what3words coordinates: anxiety.suitcase.campfires
