There is an elegant light this evening.
It highlights the delicacy of every flower in the garden.

So much beauty.....

.... even in what we sometimes call weeds.
Look at all of those fine hairs.

I've never noticed Columbine's fuzziness. Its petals seem like whispers.

The wild asters were already tucking themselves in for the night. Not every flower does that, but wild asters do.

Hearts are still bleeding.

There is nothing like the sight of sunshine glowing through a poppy's petals.

I can't get my fill of those Coral Sunset peonies.

Even in the woods, a shaft of light made its way to the lilies growing there.

I think the Creator was thinking about love when he created light.
And flowers.

We have a musical sponsor this evening, my latest favourite song by Langhorne Slim: Never Break. I've been listening to it on repeat all day.
Love is the key And under the stars I lit a flame To dance in the dark
Can break my bones You can break my heart But you'll never break me
Love is the ocean We are the fish Love's the surgeon And we are the stitch
I've been wounded But I promise you this You will never break me, yeah
Love is the Buddha The Christ on the cross Angels are weeping Their tears are for us
Lies of our kind Well it comes at a cost Let's fall in love with our telephones off
Love's my president, my lord, and my boss And you'll never break me, yeah
Love's my president, my lord, and my boss And you'll never Hm, break me