Today's adventure was a first for us: the Grafton Outdoor Christmas Market. As we approached Grafton, the skies over Lake Ontario had a bleak November look. This was going to be a chilly day. Outdoor market, what were we thinking?

As we chatted with cousins we hadn't seen in years, a Christmas tree walked by. Hmmm.... this was going to be an interesting day.

This market takes over the village of Grafton. There are vendors inside lovely, warm restored buildings. While less-fortunate vendors had stalls in parks and on a closed street. It's all done in support of Grafton's public school's programs.

Grafton is home to some very good artists.

A friend was enjoyed in the warmth of the inn.

The town is a perfect place to have this kind of show.

Because Ted has been feeling a bit better this past week, we walked the entire show.

There were many creative vendors braving the cold.

We'd heard that our friend, Barb was in the United Church. But, she's a friendly sort, so we braced ourselves that she might be .....anywhere....

.... but there she was! In the basement with 2 sisters selling cookies in support of...who knows? She's always supporting one organization or another.

And, bonus to the basement visit.... dear Lesley was there too!

Back outdoors, there were many vendors selling natural seasonal decorations......

..... and one that takes those natural inputs and makes some remarkable art out of them. That bunny can hop over to my place any time it wants to.

If WIX could figure out how to digitize scent, you would now be smelling chilli. The Catholic church was host to still more crafts persons plus chilli and tea biscuits, both for $5. The bargain of the year. And, to top that off...... more visits with friends.

We'll be back next year. Maybe with our winter coats on.
I've shared this quote recently, but it seems to fit well with today's adventure.
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life.
They seem half-asleep,
even when they're busy doing things they think are important.
This is because they're chasing the wrong things.
The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others,
devote yourself to your community around you,
and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
Mitch Albom