“To live in this world
you must be able
to do three things
to love what is mortal;
to hold it against your bones
knowing your own life depends on it;
when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go”
Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems, Volume One
At 6:30 a heavy fog made it feel like I was in my own little world. It was a quiet world. Even the cats were quiet.

A daylily that I treated myself to around 10 years ago was blooming.

I like walking around with my camera first thing in the morning. It's a good time to review what needs to be done immediately and what needs to be done in the future. Like the lily above. It should be moved to a sunnier spot where it has more room.
It's also the time to be reminded of just what it was that you planted? I'd forgotten that I bought Roma tomato seeds. A volunteer at Fare Share food bank mentioned a few times that folks love Roma tomatoes. Well, Roma it is.

Winter squash and pumpkins are pretty happy in their spot this year. Who wouldn't be happy? It's like we've been gardening in Paradise. Enough rain, lots of shade - everyone around here is a good gardener this year.

It's a bit tricky to transition from the wild area to the more formal gardens.

Before all of the leaves you see below become riddled with Japanese Beetle holes, here's a shot of our grapevines. Ted has tried every organic pest control for those horrible beetles, to no avail.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

We are getting near the end of the spring plantings of salad greens. You can see a few at the bottom right of the image below. I'll plant more in a month or so for the cooler growing season coming up in September and October. So far, the garden has produced 177 bags of mixed salad greens. Yay, garden!!!

I need to fertilize the cucumbers. They look a little anaemic. On the postive side, the winter squash in the foreground took a huge leap of growth in the past week.

I am experimenting with starting two varieties of beans in the greenhouse. Only one of the three varieties that I planted in the garden is happy this year. Something is eating them. A little bug, I am guessing.

The green zucchinis are experiencing explosive growth as only zucchinis can do. This guy was half the size yesterday.

Peacefulness everywhere....

... even under the covering of a gauzy spider's web. Do you see how the dewdrops have gathered here and there on the grasses?

Elderberries are beginning to bloom.

And blueberries....

... are beginning to ripen!

Firewood is patiently waiting for someone with a wood-splitter. It's not hot enough for that yet. Ted usually manages to pick the hottest week of the year to split firewood. 🥴

There was only one frog in the pond this morning.
Where has everyone gone?

And, a very peaceful and solid mushroom is patiently waiting for some less concrete mushroom friends to spring up nearby.
Me too.

“Adopt the pace of nature:
her secret is patience.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson