Not far from our house lives a neighbour-who-is-also-a-kindred-spirit. That neighbour has given us permission to walk in his woods. We've been wanting to introduce our new adventure buddy to this woods ever since we first walked it in August. Today was the day.
Get a cup of tea or a glass of wine. This is going to be a long walk.

Every season brings its gifts. None of us could identify this tree.

I zoomed in on the flowers so that I could submit the image to I-Naturalist.

Our neighbour-who-is-also-a-kindred-spirit has been planting trees on these hills for 40 years. Looks like this sweetie was just planted this year. Or maybe last year. But being young doesn't stop it from showing its colours.

Today's sponsor is the almost-non-sound of walking on freshly fallen pine needles. I love quiet walks. No gravelly sounds, no breaking of branches. It feels like walking on a pillow.

This woods is turning into a museum.

The white puffballs that we saw in August are no longer white.

Tree trunks were a theme today. When you strategically plant a forest, you have the opportunity to plant very interesting specimens. From slightly shaggy but still fairly regular to....

..... wild and crazy shagginess.

It looks like our neighbour-who-is-also-a-kindred-spirit is not letting any moss grow on him. Ted spent the entire walk being in awe of this man's ambition.
A staircase to....

... who knows where. Some time was spent understanding how the cedar logs were cut. And, speaking of cedar, we need multiple sponsors today. Our first one was a sound. This one is a scent: the scent of newly sawn cedar. Intoxicating.

A stream runs alongside a dug pond in a low area. In a quiet bend in the stream, maple leaves were practising making really nice shadows.

There's the pond. The first thing that came to mind when I saw the pond this time was that you could pick out colours from this scene in Photoshop and use them to decorate a room. I think the room would feel very calming.

No matter which direction we looked, there was beauty. Different tones, textures and colours.

Even the reflections looked like fused glass.

Our new adventure buddy is catching on how to make reflections. 🥴🥴

And, she's got the "holding a tulip leaf" exercise mastered.

This is a place that keeps on giving. More interesting tree trunks.....

.... and..... be still my heart..... Look at that rock! Just think of the time it took to wear away all of the softer rock around those granite veins. One raindrop at a time. Or maybe one tumble in a glacier at a time.

While Ted & I were looking down, our hiking buddy was looking up. A mushroom in a tree. Do you think that our neighbour-who-is-also-a-kindred-spirit put that mushroom there?

Maybe he did!