I love the idea of public spaces. Places where everyone belongs. Places where you can meet old friends and make new ones. The land belongs to everyone.
Port Hope's Memorial Park is one of those places. This evening's Road to Cultivate concert drew a large crowd. Families brought their blankets and bought supper, things like smashed hamburgers, from vendors on the edges of the lawn. Little kids ate apples and drummed on drums as parents chatted.
Friends who hadn't hugged each other in over two years hugged.
They listened to stories of what they'd missed in each other's lives during the pandemic.
Alyson McNamara opened the show at the family-friendly hour of 6 p.m. I have a feeling that the guitarist on the right, her dad, taught our kids something in high school.
Little boys who are in the band's family got to choose their favourite song. And, the entire audience sang The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round.
Five verses.
With actions.
It was one of those perfect August evenings when the sun kissed friends' cheeks. And, sparkled on their glasses.
Alyson McNamara was followed by The Slocan Ramblers. Bluegrass. Lovely. Easy on the ears.
We were all mesmerized by their long instrumental. I think they were too.
It's interesting how you can be in the middle of enjoying something wonderful and you look over to the right and see something even more wonderful. As in, "I recognize that man who is hugging Avril. It's Konstantin!"
The music had to go on without me. Konstantin had brought a friend!
Can you imagine what it feels like to be in a box for a long time? You are finally allowed to step out of the box. What are you feeling?
Everything looks new and strange to you as you straighten out your back. People, cars, music.
Some odd woman taking your picture. Out of focus.
You see folks hugging and chatting. Kids running around. Dogs licking friends they haven't seen in months. It's all overwhelming.
You wonder if friendship in this public space could be for you too? You secretly say a tiny prayer. Just touching your fingertips together.
And then.....
There he is! Where have you been all my life? He's not too sure about you and not sure if you would be his kind of friend.
You touch his hands.
His Mom likes you!
And then your new friend reaches into that box you've been inside for much too long. He sees something there. A treasure!
His soft little hands gently place the treasure in your palm.
Look at that! Can you believe it??? An eye bolt!!!
You can't believe that in this public space, where only a short while ago you were still confined to a box, you have met a new friend! One with gentle hands. One who likes you so much that he .......
..... gives you a kiss!
And, he tells you that he likes your shirt!
He likes your shirt.
Community in public places.
You are alive.
You made it.
“And I learned what is obvious to a child.
That life is simply a collection of little lives,
each lived one day at a time.
That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers
and poetry and talking to animals.
That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered.
But most of all,
I learned that life is about sitting on benches next to ancient creeks
with my hand on her knee and sometimes,
on good days, for falling in love.”
Nicholas Sparks