Wednesdays are becoming my favourite day of the week. At 7:45 a gardening pal arrives with her mug of tea and we make our way through the gardens, harvesting what is ready to be picked.
This morning it was a whaaaack of lilies-of-the-valley. Who wouldn't love to get one of these posies?

Sage and oregano made it through the winter this year. Chives always does. Next time we harvest, in two weeks, there should be oregano to add to the mixture.

Last week, we picked one small bag of salad greens. This week, we were up to 4 bags. I think there may be 15 or 20 bags in two weeks - if we survive tonight's cool weather. The experiment of starting them early has been positive.

We needed some more peppers and various herbs that we didn't start ourselves. How can you not want to visit a greenhouse where this darling works??? Talk about the perfect job - she was born for this.
Viking Nursery is worth the short drive. Look at all of those house plants!

And succulents! I see a trip there in my son-in-law's future.

Coleus - they bring me back to walking around my Grandma's garden over 60 years ago. Her fish pond was surrounded with coleus.

Viking Nursery covers all the bases: house plants, succulents, beautiful hanging baskets with stately elegance....

... and Thunbergia! They look like a graphic designer invented them. Their black centres are so dark that you can't see their depth .... or their stamens and pistil.

Not so with this Hibiscus.

Baltimore Valley Garden Centre was calling to be visited too. Trains of bedding plants look like they might be wheeled inside for tonight's cooler temperatures.

All this beauty in just one day.

“In the spring,
at the end of the day,
you should smell like dirt.”
Margaret Atwood