We're gettin' old. No more long road trips for us these days. Time to get creative with our fun. When I heard that Lindsey & family were planning a trip to Toronto, a lightbulb flashed on over my head. Hmmm..... Let's go to Lindsey & James' Pretend Airbnb!! They were happy to accommodate us for two nights while they were away. It's kind of nice when a superhost knows you. They know how clueless you are when faced with 3 remotes.

Our big destination was to take a liesurely drive around Wolfe Island. The new ferry from Kingston is huge and fast and quiet.

There was not a lot of sunlight available this morning, so downtown Kingston looked a little gloomy from the ferry.

We've tried Wolfe Island Bakery's goodies in past years. Today, they provided.....

....... a breakfast pastry! Ted's not happy about that at all.

I used the highlighter on our map to record where we drove today. I am guessing we drove on 80% of the roads on the island. There's a wide range of animal life there. We had to swerve around a few snakes, saw what looked like a mink and enjoyed quite a few white-tailed deer. This guy looks like it's pretending to be a kangaroo.

On the south side of the island is a very small dock with a very small ferry that crosses to the United States.

Making a living on an island is never easy. We wanted to support a local eatery while there and saw that The Mustard Station had decent Google reviews. When lunch was so good, we asked when supper would be ready? Any time after 2. Malaysian Curry Beef sounded tantalizing, so we continued our wandering for the next two hours. We wondered if we would be able to make the 2:20 ferry?
Added bonus: a covered eating area for insect-averse diners. (Ruth🤣)

There is still the odd homesteader's dream around. I love how the pear tree outlasted the house. Or maybe the owners tossed their pear core when leaving and it grew. The resiliency of nature.

Wolfe Island is long and fairly narrow. At times you can see both sides. There are Canada Geese in many of the newly harvested fields and more on the shores. It looks like one of them is practising its synchronized swimming routine.

The clouds were beautiful today.....

.... and the cows didn't seem to notice.

Not sure what this exuberant flower is called, but we could see it from 1/2 a km away. We looped around the island until the magical 2 o'clock time arrived so we could pick up our dinner. It took a while for the rice to be ready so we raced to get to the 2:20 ferry.

2:18! Last vehicle before they closed the gates!

We're pivoting into our new life. If today's adventure was an indication of our travel future, I think we are going to like it. Ted proclamed it the perfect day.