I think a good test of a photograph or painting's design is to view it in black and white. If it carries itself in b&w, it probably will look good in colour too.
I was so happy to be invited to From Scratch Farm Supports' second annual photography show in downtown Cobourg today.

Three photographers were showing their work at Green Wood Coaliton's Art Hive. It's such a lovely space for an art show.

Photos were examined closely.....

.... and one photographer wondered just when I would get around to seeing her works.

There they are! Such a variety of subjects
Well done.

Below are the bios of each photographer.....

...... and here are their self-portraits!

So, what do they look like in colour?
I think that every one of these photos passed the black and white test.
Well done! I am so glad I went to see this show.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...
Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird