Back on May 10th when we brought a few bunches of rhubarb, some herbs that had over-wintered (thank you climate change), 5 large bunches of flowers (tulips, daffodils, bleeding hearts) and 4 posies to FareShare, I had no idea that 20 weeks! later the gardens would still be giving abundantly. Long sentence.
Short sentence now: 82 lbs. today.
This week's flowers play very nicely together. For fillers we used spirea branches, euphorbia stems and mint. I love the surprise smell of mint in a bouquet.

Because it was so doggone dark out this morning, we had to compress the harvesting into a shorter time. Something had to give. The camera pulled the short straw.
So, here are words that are worth a thousand pictures:
18 bunches of spinach
4 bunches radish
3 bags of black beans
5 beets
4 bags green beans
6 small bags cherry tomatoes
∞ kale
9 bunches flowers
6 red peppers
And, there's that 23 lb. pumpkin! Not bad for a pumpkin that germinated in the compost bin in the woods.
When Ted & our gardening buddy delivered the goods to FareShare at 9, a volunteer repeated herself a few times, letting them know how much fresh food is welcomed by our neighbours.

Just in case you are wondering what the tally is to date: 998 lbs.
Back in the kitchen, our test bouquet was looking at itself in the somewhat clean windows. I hope it likes what it sees. I do.

Not long ago, my dear poetry-loving friend, Lesley shared these words. I think they fit nicely with today's post. They have been waiting patiently on a sticky note for such a time as this:
“I Got Kin
So that your own heart
Will grow.
So God will think,
I got kin in that body!
I should start inviting that soul over
For coffee and
Because this is a food
Our starving world
Because that is the purest
Fale Hafiz