The last time I drove around Wolfe Island was almost 50 years ago. All I remember is that the trees were gnarly. This morning's snowfall was good reason to go back for another visit. There might be some interesting pictures today.
When we got off the ferry, we decided to go as far west as we could go, loop around to the south and then go as far east as we could go.
White-tailed deer were resting on an old foundation. Don't they look healthy? I wondered if they were a slightly different breed. I Googled "white-tailed deer & Wolfe Island" and found out that two years go they were infected by tiny biting midges (no-see-ums) and contracted epizootic hemorrhagic disease. The deer we saw today are the healthiest looking deer we've ever seen.

There is so much food for wildlife on the island.

This deer was poking around in the snow for breakfast.

Ahhhh! Gnarly trees. Isn't that tree BEAUTIFUL!!?? And, do you see the controversial structure behind it?

Even cattle need to do what they need to do. Got an itch? That's what barbed wire fences are for. Snow-covered wisps of cow's hair.

And, there they are without a snow covering. It's like this cow is saying, "Who me?"

We were hoping to see a hawk or if we were lucky, a Snowy Owl. This one was sitting in the middle of a snow-covered field when we first spotted it. It flew over to a hydro pole and posed for us. A little blurry, but still a Snowy Owl.

For a while, it was hard to get a good view anywhere. I love how the snow was drifting across the ice in the marsh.

Wild turkeys were a little easier to photograph than the owl.

This was probably someone's dream home at one time. It looks to us like farming has seen better days on the island.

There are a few conservation projects to be found. Both Ducks Unlimited and The Nature Conservancy are preserving natural wetlands.

I think I heard a goose say, "Stand still! If we stand still, they will think we are just another tree line."

The east-west roads were drifting in here and there.

We wondered if there were any schools on the island. It would be horrible to have to take a ferry to and from school. I just checked: two schools, one public, one Catholic.
Neither of them is this one.

Close to the furthest east you can go is this large hops operation.

And, the road ended at the "Last Chance Privy". How thoughtful the islanders are!

It looks like there must be better soil on the eastern side of the island. We saw some nice hardwood stands and a few white pine woods too.

Maybe we need to re-consider the thoughtfulness of the islanders. On the way back to the ferry, we spotted this privy. If you can't read the signs, it says:
Roly's Backhoe Service
Presents "The Foot"
Visitor Welcome Centre
Mayor's Office

We were the third last vehicle to get on the return ferry. Whew!!!
Hmmmm.... so much to wonder about. We will need to return some day with our adventure buddies and get the answers.
“Stuff your eyes with wonder, he said,
live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds.
See the world.
It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451