Sometimes I wonder who would want to go out on a -10°C morning and hike? Looks like over 20 people thought it would be a great idea today.

We practised casting shadows walking east along Telephone Road.

Willow trees are starting to look springlike.

In some of the shadier areas it felt fairly wintery.....

.... but that didn't last long.

We even got to see some open water in a roadside stream.

This hike is rated moderate. Even though there were 3 or 4 hills, they weren't very strenuous.

This one looks worse than it is. I think we were all happy to have the sun shining on our faces.

Our hike leader, Jan did a fine job of balancing walking briskly and stopping for breaks.

The main attraction of this particular hike is stopping at a mixed farm. We caught glimpses of pheasants in their covered pen.

Across the road were geese, goats and chickens trying their best not to stare at us.

One pup was intently learning the ropes of being a sheep dog.....

.... while another took a break and snuggled with Mom.

Looks to me like we interrupted breakfast time on the farm.

Heading further west on Dudley Road, there were more animals.

Today's sponsor? The numbers 20, -10 and 9. This morning 20+ hikers made shadows while hiking a 9 km square of country roads in -10°C chilliness. And, all along the way they chatted and caught up with each other and made new acquaintances.
Life is good.

“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth.
It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
It's round and wet and crowded.
On the outside, babies,
you've got a hundred years here.
There's only one rule that I know of, babies-
"God damn it,
you've got to be kind.”
Kurt Vonnegut