The sunrise was calling to my camera and me this morning. We are beginning our final camping adventure at one of our favourite parks, the United Empire Loyalist Park at Adolphustown. It is easy to imagine loyalists coming ashore close to 250 years ago and viewing this majestic landscape. Not much has changed.

Same full moon hanging from a willow branch......

.... and looking stunning in the dim morning sky.

The mist seemed to get deeper as the morning unfolded.

I'd noticed a pickup truck parked in the laneway next to the campground. Maybe someone was sleeping there? This gentleman got out and seemed to be watching the sunrise from another dock.

It felt good to share the beauty with another human being.

Soon, I saw what he was really looking for. A fishing boat.

As I admired the regular patterns of the fishing boat's wake, a noise on shore caught my attention.

My sunrise friend was dragging crates from the dock. I needed to investigate!

As the fishing boat backed out of the channel, I walked back to the shore and followed the fence line until I found a gap. I squeezed through and...! I had stumbled upon one of the last family commercial fishing operations in the County. The crate-dragging gentleman comes from a family of fisherman. He fishes with his brothers as both his father and grandfather did. I sat with him as he squeezed fish, head first, out of the tight netting. Most of today's catch were whitefish. The nets cost $400.00 each and only last a year or two. I saw a lot of nets.

I learned about quotas for commercial fisherman and how the government now stocks fish in this area that wreck their nets because they are so vicious. The fish are vicious, not the government. Although, I got the impression that he was no friend of them either.

You never know what you will see when you go looking for a sunrise. Today, it was a moon frolicking among the willow branches, a fisherman just beyond the fence line and this gal.
She looks stunned to have met me here.

Hmmm.... how about a little Tolkien to end?
“Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate
And though I oft have passed them by
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.”
J.R.R. Tolkien