..... and blowing snowflakes! Ted was finally able to put the snowblower together again two days ago. We've been waiting for a part to be fabricated since mid-December.

I love that vegetation hangs on to snowflakes. Looks like this coneflower seed head has a warm hat on.

Hydro wires were doing their part to make the scene look interesting this morning too.

I've never paid attention to how chum branches create baskets to hold snow. Remember the chums? Cross between cherries and plums.

Nothing like a little colour after a snowfall.

We were wondering if Ted's blueberry shelter would withstand heavy snowfalls. If you look closely, you can see that he installed two braces. We got the covered garage frame free from a neighbour and Ted added ends, a roof and clad it with a wire mesh last summer. It survived our Christmas dump of snow. This snowfall is child's play.

Some other things still have not recovered from that December storm. Many of our cedars are still bent over. They may need a little help standing up straight in the spring.

At the bottom left corner below is our little pond. It must be warmer than the bigger pond. So far snowfalls have melted on the little pond and stayed on the big one.

The tomato cages are looking sculptural this morning as they wait for spring.

And, the borrowed view looking east was as pretty as it will ever get.

I'll end with a little A.A. Milne
“It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.
"So it is."
"And freezing."
"Is it?"
"Yes," said Eeyore.
"However," he said, brightening up a little,
"we haven't had an earthquake lately.”