Some time ago, Ted saw what looked like a trail going south off of County Road 9 west of the Garden Hill. Today was the day to see if we could find it again and then hike there. It's called the Kendal Crown Lands. What a royal name! Only about ¾ hours from home and totally different flowers to be found there.

There are absolutely no blazes on the trails and no map at the beginning. I guess people just head out and hope they make it back. The paths were wide near the road, so we weren't too worried.
Then we came to a bridge that led to nowhere. Hmmmm......

Discussions were had. Which way?

We picked a direction and continued southward. There were some very large trees along the ever-upward trail.

I was wondering if there would be any view at all when we reached the highest point.

Well, yes there was. The beautiful Ganaraska Forest.
Not too many reds left.

Soon we found ourselves surrounded by yellow maples with one lone pine stump that was getting ready for Halloween. It looks frightened.

It looks like J + K had been here too. And, they love each other.

One of our Adventure buddies pointed out this yellow canopy. Every forest walk needs a yellow canopy like this.

As we walked eastward along a high ridge, I wondered what was over that hill?

There must be something interesting.

It was more than interesting. it was beautiful.

Earlier in the hike, we'd walked on the north side of this pond. Now we were beginning to feel at home in these lands. We were starting to recognized landmarks.

We circled back around and, lo and behold.... there was the path out!

Our sponsor today? This male Hooded Merganser. Nothing like a late October swim in a pond on the Kendal Crown Lands. Or a late October hike. It was perfect.
