Pathetic Fallacy: noun The attribution of human feelings and responses to inanimate things or animals, especially in art and literature. Oxford Languages
Nature is celebrating with us lately. 2 ½ weeks a go, Ted had his 4th iron infusion. Around that time he also convinced the doctor to change his BP medication to one that was not a known trigger for RLS. (not the best idea - changing two things at once) Starting a few days after the infusion, he's had some of the best sleeps he's had in years. We have a new man in our midst. Thank you, Lord!
The chums celebrated in their finery.

The bleeding hearts strung up bunting to give us a party atmosphere.

And, if you know Ted you will also know that feeling better means wanting to do physical work. When a neighbour and friend offered him 30 large patio stones, each weighing around 100 lbs., he jumped at the chance to get them. Making a ramp from two heavy boards and using the hand truck, he manhandled them onto the truck. And, then wheeled them across the lawn with the hand truck again to our wooded area.
The path winds its way along the back of the pond and also extends to the north on the west side to the river.
It looks like Marshall (the best kind of cat) gives his approval. So much easier to view his domaine from a level path.

Most men would stand proudly beside their project. No pathetic fallacy here. He's a human acting like he is tired.

I just had to add this final celebratory image. Look at those shadows!!!

that is the great fallacy:
the wisdom of old men.
They do not grow wise.
They grow careful.”
Ernest Hemingway
Bleeding heart bunting - what an incredible image! I've never thought of it like that and it's a perfect description!