
I am warning you now - the pictures will be blurry. Either my glasses were fogged up or they were not on my head.
At 5:30 it was light and I was able to pick all of the salad greens that had bolted in the past week. They got offloaded down the middle of two 8' tables in the shop. Perfect spot to clean and bag them in a downpour.

I have to say, I have wonderful gardening buddies.

We learned this week that Fare Share does not need to buy in carrots because they are receiving so much fresh garden produce right now. They must win the prize for flexibility.
My gardening buddies often take home produce themselves so they can assess how long they keep. And, so they can eat them. 😉 We've had salad greens still perfect at 7 days.

Don't you love people who flip up their hood and head out into the pouring rain to pick flowers for our neighbours? And ones who just bring along a change of dry clothing and have no problem getting wet?

I kind of like the blurriness of the photo below. Everyone knows the drill now and they fit in where needed.
This week's produce included 10 zucchini. Next week we will have kale (couldn't face lifting the floating row cover in the pouring rain today). Tomatoes maybe in two weeks?
65 lbs. today.

I love Ralph Waldo Emerson's mind:
"The purpose of life is not to be happy.
It is to be useful,
to be honorable,
to be compassionate,
to have it make some difference that you have lived
and lived well."
And, Paul Coelho's too:
when you want something,
all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."